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A Financial Guide: Paying Your Bills During The Coronavirus Pandemic
Ben Munger • May 24, 2021

For many, the beginning of the month is a benchmark to pay their bills. However, the coronavirus has flipped the world as we all know it upside down. MIS is here to assist people navigate the COVID-19 world as bills and other obligations become due.


Several mortgage lenders across the country are willing to work with borrowers who have been impacted by the coronavirus by deferring or reducing payments. The Department of Housing and Urban Development and some mortgage lenders like Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae have suspended all evictions and foreclosures, in addition to expanding their forbearance programs. Contact your mortgage lender immediately to learn more about your options.


Some utility companies are allowing customers to make late payments without penalty and a growing number of utility companies have indicated that they will not shut down power of consumers who fail to pay their bills. Some states have expressly prohibited utility companies from disconnecting services during the pandemic. Check with your service provider to see what options are available in your area. Always keep in mind that keeping a good credit rating is important for the long haul. Determine whether a failure to pay your utility bill might result in a negative report to credit reporting agencies.

Health Insurance

As unemployment rates surge, many have not only lost their jobs, but their health insurance as well. Aside from COBRA, a fairly expensive option for insurance following a layoff, there are other options. A handful of states have reopened their health insurance exchanges in response to the Coronavirus crisis. Additionally, under the Affordance Care Act, 36 states and the District of Columbia expanded eligibility for low-income adults to receive Medicaid.

Stimulus Check

The federal government is providing a one-time payment to qualifying adults. Individual adults earning up to $75,000 in adjusted gross income and who have a social security number will receive a payment of $1,200. For couples who file jointly and have an adjusted gross income of under $150,000, they will receive a payment of $2,400. Individuals or couples making above these threshold amounts, may be eligible for a reduced payment. The federal government will use 2019 federal tax income filings or, if you have not filed for 2019, 2018 federal tax income filings to base each person or couple’s adjusted gross income.

Debt (credit cards and auto loans)

Credit card companies and loan servicers across the nation are working with borrowers impacted by the coronavirus. Some banks are offering interest waivers or deferrals, payment extensions, and payment plans. These options must be raised by the consumer directly with their lenders; the benefits will not be conferred automatically. Be sure to contact your lender directly to discuss your options.

Una guía financiera: como pagar sus facturas durante la pandemia del Coronavirus

Para muchos, el comienzo del mes es un punto de referencia para pagar sus facturas. Sin embargo, el Coronavirus, como bien sabemos, nos ha puesto todo al revés. MIS está aquí para ayudar a navegar por el mundo del COVID-19 a medida que las facturas están por vencerse, así como otras obligaciones.


Prestamistas hipotecarios a lo ancho del país, se encuentran dispuestos a trabajar con prestatarios que han sido afectados por el coronavirus al diferir o reducir los pagos. El Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano, y algunos prestamistas hipotecarios, como Freddie Mac y Fannie Mae, han suspendido todas las órdenes de desalojos y ejecuciones hipotecarias, además de ampliar sus programas de indulgencia. Póngase en contacto con su prestamista hipotecario de inmediato para obtener más información sobre sus opciones.


Algunas compañías de servicios públicos permiten a sus clientes realizar pagos atrasados sin penalización, y un número creciente de compañías de servicios públicos han indicado que no suspenderán el suministro de energía a los consumidores que no paguen sus facturas. Algunos estados han prohibido expresamente a las compañías de servicios desconectar los servicios durante la pandemia. Consulte con su proveedor de servicios para saber qué opciones están disponibles en su área. Siempre tenga en cuenta que mantener una buena calificación crediticia es importante a largo plazo. Determine si la falta de pago de su factura de servicios públicos podría generar un informe negativo para las agencias de crédito.

Seguro de salud

A medida que aumentan las tasas de desempleo, muchos no solo han perdido sus empleos, sino también su seguro de salud. Existen otras opciones, además de COBRA, la cual es una opción de seguro bastante costosa luego de un despido. Un puñado de estados han reabierto sus intercambios de seguros de salud en respuesta a la crisis del Coronavirus. Además, en virtud de la Ley de Atención Médica, 36 estados y el Distrito de Columbia ampliaron la elegibilidad para que adultos de bajos ingresos reciban Medicaid.

Verificación de estímulo

El gobierno federal le otorga un pago único a los adultos que califiquen. Los adultos individuales que ganen hasta $75,000 en ingresos brutos ajustados, y que tengan un número de seguro social, recibirán un pago de $1,200. Para las parejas que presentan una declaración conjunta y tienen un ingreso bruto ajustado de menos de $150,000, recibirán un pago de $2,400. Las personas o parejas que superen estos límites pueden ser elegibles para un pago reducido. El gobierno federal utilizará las declaraciones de ingresos de impuestos federales del 2019 o, si aún no han presentado la declaración pertinente al 2019, se utilizarán las declaraciones de ingresos de impuestos federales del año 2018 para valorar el ingreso bruto ajustado de cada persona o pareja.

Deuda (tarjetas de crédito y préstamos para automóviles)

Las compañías de tarjetas de crédito y los administradores de préstamos a nivel nacional, están trabajando con los prestatarios afectados por el Coronavirus. Algunos bancos ofrecen exenciones o aplazamientos de intereses, extensiones de pago y planes de pago. Estas opciones deben ser planteadas por el consumidor directamente con sus prestamistas; los beneficios no serán conferidos automáticamente. Asegúrese de contactar a su prestamista directamente para analizar sus opciones.

By Ben Munger May 23, 2021
IRMAA stands for Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount and is applied to higher income earners who’s AGI is over $85,000, or over (for a single person or married couples filing separately), and $170,000 for married couples who file taxes jointly.
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Something to be aware of is that not all insurances are created equal. Although Medigap insurance provides the flexibility you may need in order to see a wide array of doctors, there may be limits to what’s covered on your supplemental Medigap plan.
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I recently had a customer call me to ask why Medicare covered her yearly wellness visit but denied the lipid panel that she got after the appointment. Of course she was not happy about this.
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Medicare Part A covers inpatient hospital care, limited time in a skilled nursing care facility, limited home health care services, and hospice care.
By Ben Munger May 23, 2021
IRMAA stands for Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount and is applied to higher income earners who’s AGI is over $85,000, or over (for a single person or married couples filing separately), and $170,000 for married couples who file taxes jointly.
By Ben Munger May 22, 2021
Something to be aware of is that not all insurances are created equal. Although Medigap insurance provides the flexibility you may need in order to see a wide array of doctors, there may be limits to what’s covered on your supplemental Medigap plan.
By Ben Munger May 21, 2021
I recently had a customer call me to ask why Medicare covered her yearly wellness visit but denied the lipid panel that she got after the appointment. Of course she was not happy about this.
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